
  << 最終更新日:2024年04月12日 >>
教員名 増山 博之 教員名カナ マスヤマ ヒロユキ
所属 経済経営学部 経済経営学科

職位 教授
専攻分野 数理科学(応用確率論, 応用線形代数, 行列解析, ネットワーク科学)
最終学歴・学位 博士(情報学・京都大学)
研究テーマ パフォーマンス評価に関する数理的手法の開発
研究キーワード パフォーマンス分析, マルコフ解析, 最適化
研究業績・著者・論文、その他それに準じる業績 Hiroyuki Masuyama, ``A new matrix-infinite-product-form solution for upper block-Hessenberg Markov chains and its quasi-algorithmic constructibility," Advances in Applied Probability, vol. 55, no. 1, 1-28, March 2023.

Katsuhisa Ouchi and Hiroyuki Masuyama, ``Level-wise subgeometric convergence of the level-increment truncation approximation of M/G/1-type Markov chains," Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, vol. 65, no. 4, 198-215, 2022.

Hiroyuki Masuyama, ``Subexponential asymptotics of asymptotically block-Toeplitz and upper block-Hessenberg Markov chains," Queueing Systems, vol. 102, nos 1-2 (Special issue: Masakiyo Miyazawa---75), 175-217, 2022.

Tatsuaki Kimura and Hiroyuki Masuyama, ``A heavy-traffic-limit formula for the moments of the stationary distribution in GI/G/1-type Markov chains," Operations Researach Letters, vol. 49, no. 6, 862-867, 2021.

Yutaka Sakuma, Hiroyuki Masuyama, and Emiko Fukuda, ``A discrete-time single-server Poisson queueing game: Equilibria simulated by an agent-based model," European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 283, no. 1, pp. 253-264, 2020.

Yoshiaki Inoue, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Takine Tetsuya, and Toshiyuki Tanaka, ``A general formula for the stationary distribution of the age of information and its application to single-server queues," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 8305-8324, 2019.

Hiroyuki Masuyama, ``A sequential update algorithm for computing the stationary distribution vector in upper block-Hessenberg Markov chains," Queueing Systems, vol. 92, nos. 1-2, pp. 173-200, 2019.

Yuanyuan Liu, Wendi Li, and Hiroyuki Masuyama, ``Error bounds for augmented truncation approximations of continuous-time Markov chains," Operations Research Letters, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 409-413, 2018.

Tsuguhito Hirai, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Performance optimization of parallel-distributed processing with checkpointing for cloud environment,'' Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1423-1442, 2018.

Hiroyuki Masuyama, ``Error bounds for last-column-block-augmented truncations of block-structured Markov chains," Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 271-320, 2017.

Tatsuaki Kimura, Hiroyuki Masuyama, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Light-tailed asymptotics of GI/G/1-type Markov chains," Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, vo. 13, no. 4, pp. 2093-2146, 2017.

Hiroyuki Masuyama, ``Continuous-time block-monotone Markov chains and their block-augmented truncations," Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 514, no. 1, pp. 105-150, 2017.

Hiroyuki Masuyama, ``Error bounds for augmented truncations of discrete-time block-monotone Markov chains under subgeometric drift conditions," SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 877-910, 2016.

Tsuguhito Hirai, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Performance analysis of task replication in large-scale parallel-distributed processing: an extreme value theory approach,'' Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 174-194, 2016.

Masataka Kato, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Effect of energy-saving server scheduling on power consumption for large-scale data centers,'' Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 667-685, 2016.

Hiroyuki Masuyama, ``A sufficient condition for the subexponential asymptotics of GI/G/1-type Markov chains with queueing applications," Annals of Operations Research, vo. 247, no. 1, pp. 65-95, 2016.

Kyosuke Hashimoto, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Performance analysis of backup-task scheduling with deadline time in cloud computing,'' Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 867-886, 2015.

Hiroyuki Masuyama, ``Error bounds for augmented truncations of discrete-time block-monotone Markov chains under geometric drift conditions," Advances in Applied Probability, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 83-105, 2015.

Haruki Katayama, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Effect of spectrum sensing overhead on performance for cognitive radio networks with channel bonding,'' Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 21-40, 2014.

Tsuguhito Hirai, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Performance analysis of large-scale parallel-distributed processing with backup tasks for cloud computing,'' Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 113-129, 2014.

Hiroyuki Masuyama, ``Tail asymptotics for cumulative processes sampled at heavy-tailed random times with applications to queueing models in Markovian environments," Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 257-308, 2013.

Kota Kato, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Block-level success and loss runs for streaming services over wired-wireless networks,'' Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 69-91, 2013.

Tatsuaki Kimura, Hiroyuki Masuyama, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Subexponential asymptotics of the stationary distributions of GI/G/1-type Markov chains," Stochastic Models, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 190-239, 2013.

Takashi Yazane, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Effect of network-coding overhead on end-to-end throughput for multihop wireless networks," Performance Evaluation, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 14-27, 2013.

Yasuharu Konishi, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Performance analysis of dynamic spectrum handoff scheme with variable bandwidth demand of secondary users for cognitive radio networks,'' Wireless Networks, vol. 19, no.5, pp. 607-617, 2013.

Tuan Phung-Duc, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``A matrix continued fraction approach to multiserver retrial queues," Annals of Operations Research, vol. 202, no. 1, pp. 161-183, 2013.

Marino Mitsumura, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Effect of application-layer rate-control mechanism on video quality for streaming services," Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 807-819, 2012.

Tatsuaki Kimura, Hiroyuki Masuyama, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Heavy-traffic asymptotics for stationary GI/G/1-type Markov chains," Operations Research Letters, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 185-189, 2012.

Sho Nanao, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Effect of node churn on frame interval for peer-to-peer video streaming with data-block synchronization mechanism," Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 244-256, 2012.

Kazuhiko Kuraya, Hiroyuki Masuyama, and Shoji Kasahara, ``Load distribution performance of super-node based peer-to-peer communication networks: A nonstationary Markov chain approach," Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 593-610, 2011.

Shuichiro Senda, Hiroyuki Masuyama, and Shoji Kasahara, ``A stochastic fluid model for on-demand peer-to-peer streaming services," Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 611-626, 2011.

Tomoya Tainaka, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Performance analysis of burst transmission mechanism for IEEE 802.11-based multi-hop wireless LANs," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 2908-2917, 2011.

Hiroyuki Masuyama, ``Subexponential asymptotics of the stationary distributions of M/G/1-type Markov chains," European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 213, no. 3, pp. 509-516, 2011.

Sho Nanao, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Queueing analysis of data block synchronization mechanism in peer-to-peer based video streaming system," Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 699-716, 2011.

Tatsuaki Kimura, Kentaro Daikoku, Hiroyuki Masuyama, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Light-tailed asymptotics of stationary tail probability vectors of Markov chains of M/G/1 type," Stochastic Models, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 505-548, 2010.

Hozumi Kawanami, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Takuji Tachibana, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Burst transmission algorithm to improve packet level performance in contention-free slotted OBS networks,'' Photonic Network Communications, vol. 20, vol. 1, pp. 54-63, 2010.

Tuan Phung-Duc, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``State-dependent M/M/c/c+r retrial queues with Bernoulli abandonment," Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 517-540, 2010.

Hiroyuki Masuyama, Bin Liu, and Tetsuya Takine, ``Subexponential asymptotics of the BMAP/GI/1 queue," Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 377-401, 2009.

Kazuhiko Kuraya, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Decentralized user information management systems for peer-to-peer communication networks: An approach by nonstationary peer-population process," Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal, Special Issue CSNDSP 2008, vol. CSNDSP, September 2009.

Tuan Phung-Duc, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``M/M/3/3 and M/M/4/4 retrial queues," Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 431-451, 2009.

Tomoya Tainaka, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``A Markovian approach to per-flow throughput unfairness in IEEE 802.11 multihop wireless networks," Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 493-510, 2009.

Shun Muraoka, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``FEC recovery performance for video streaming services over wired-wireless networks," Performance Evaluation, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 327-342, 2009.

Tuan Phung-Duc, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Performance analysis of optical burst switched networks with limited-range wavelength conversion, retransmission and burst segmentation," Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 58-74, 2009.

Yusuke Uchida, Sei Sunahara, Eisaburo Itakura, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Proactive retransmission and buffer management for layered video transmission over wireless channel," IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E91-B, no. 9, pp. 2897-2906, 2008.

Hiroyuki Masuyama and Tetsuya Takine, ``Multiclass Markovian fluid queues," Queueing Systems, vol. 56, nos.3-4, pp. 143-155, 2007.

Kentaro Daikoku, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Tetsuya Takine, and Yutaka Takahashi, ``Algorithmic computation of the transient queue length distribution in the BMAP/D/c queue," Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 55-72, 2007.

Hiroyuki Masuyama and Tetsuya Takine, ``Algorithmic computation of the time-dependent solution of structured Markov chains and its application to queues," Stochastic Models, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 885-912, 2005.

Hiroyuki Masuyama and Tetsuya Takine, ``Matrix product-form solutions for LCFS preemptive service single-server queues with batch Markovian arrival streams," Stochastic Models, vol. 21, nos.2-3, pp. 551-577, 2005.

Hiroyuki Masuyama and Tetsuya Takine, ``Sojourn time distribution in a MAP/M/1 processor-sharing queue," Operations Research Letters, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 406-412, 2003.

Hiroyuki Masuyama and Tetsuya Takine, ``Stationary queue length in a FIFO single server queue with service interruptions and multiple batch Markovian arrival streams," Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 319-341, 2003.

Hiroyuki Masuyama and Tetsuya Takine, ``Analysis and computation of the joint queue length distribution in a FIFO single-server queue with multiple batch Markovian arrival streams," Stochastic Models, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 349-381, 2003.

Hiroyuki Masuyama and Tetsuya Takine, ``Analysis of an infinite-server queue with batch Markovian arrival streams," Queueing Systems, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 269-296, 2002.
受賞 日本OR学会 待ち行列研究部会 第9回論文賞(2021年度)
日本OR学会 待ち行列研究部会 第8回論文賞(2020年度)
日本OR学会 第7回研究賞(2017年度)
日本OR学会 待ち行列研究部会 第4回論文賞(2015年度)
日本OR学会 待ち行列研究部会 第3回論文賞(2014年度)
日本OR学会 第4回論文賞(2014年度)
日本OR学会 第2回文献賞奨励賞(2007年度)
主な学会活動 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ(OR)学会
担当科目 基礎ゼミナール
メールアドレス masuyama●tmu.ac.jp
研究室サイト等 https://www.comp.tmu.ac.jp/masuyama/
researchmap 過去の研究業績等(researchmap)